Step 1 - Get an Activation code from Jamf Account
- Login to with an account authorized to view company assets
(Contact through a company email if you can't find a correct contact, reach us for help if necessary) - You should see your registered products, click on Info next to Jamf Pro
- Once you locate your instance name, copy the activation code using the copy
Step 2 - Update the activation code in your Jamf Pro Instance
- Login to your Jamf Pro Instance (you can directly go to your instance from your Jamf Account in the last step)
- Click on the cog wheel (settings icon) in the top right
- Search for the Activation Code settings section and click on it
- Click on Edit in the bottom right of the screen
- Paste in your new activation code, replacing the old one
- Click on Save in the bottom right of the screen
- Make sure the Expiration Date, and if applicable Total (...) Licenses Purchased, has been updated